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Will Facebook Game Shows beat HQ Trivia

The HQ Trivia app has been on a steady climb in popularity over the last year. The concept is great and understandably popular. It's the world of professional game shows made available to everyone. Not only can you compete in a real live game show on your phone, but you can win real money. The app has sponsors like Nike allowing them to shell out large amounts of winnings to trivia winners. It's simple, get 12 questions correct, get paid. Payments are maid through Paypal and average $10-$12 per winner. This isn't exactly going to pay the mortgage, but getting actual money to play a game on your phone is a pretty sweet deal. Hq Trivia stocks have continued to rise, but Facebook looks to stop that.

Let's be real. This is what Facebook does. They are not an innovative companny. they are an opportunistic company that allows others to innovate and then take their ideas and improve on them. Remember MySpace? The fact is that Zuckerberg has never come up with anything original, only built on the early success of others. This isn't bad, however, this is what science and technology are built on. Look at smartphones. No one talks about innovation as much as improvement. Screen resolution, camera quality, etc are all benchmarks of success based on how they improve over previous versions. Advancement is based on how a developer takes what already exists and improving it. Facebook happens to be really good at this.
I should have known that! - A trivia game about things you oughta know
As HQ Trivia soars in popularity, Facebook wasted no time in announcing their own game show features coming soon. To begin with Facebook is allowing quizzes and trivia from some of its biggest affiliates like BuzzFeed, but before long it will open to the public so anyone can host their own games. On the surface, it looks like Facebook is set to establish dominance again with their own trivia games, but it might be harder than they think to take down HQ Trivia, and the social media giant may face some challenges.

The greatest strength for Facebook is the vast audience and individual incorporation as opposed to the managed HQ Trivia app. This could prove to also be its biggest setback if they don't properly reign in users looking to abuse any new system that comes along. Think of the issue with Fake News on Facebook. The problem came about because of a lack of structure and restriction on who can present "News" without any form of fact checking. The same issue could harm the company's trivia game aspirations. If everyone with a Facebook account can create and manage their own trivia game show, this could lead to a muddled mass of low quality HQ Trivia impostors and crushing Facebook's dreams of knocking HQ from its pedestal. In the end it's going to come down to execution. If Facebook takes the time to do it right, they could have another win, but if they are pulling the trigger too fast in an attempt to capitalize off of HQ Triva's success, it could bite them in the end.


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