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Showing posts from June, 2018

Will Facebook Game Shows beat HQ Trivia

The HQ Trivia app has been on a steady climb in popularity over the last year. The concept is great and understandably popular. It's the world of professional game shows made available to everyone. Not only can you compete in a real live game show on your phone, but you can win real money. The app has sponsors like Nike allowing them to shell out large amounts of winnings to trivia winners. It's simple, get 12 questions correct, get paid. Payments are maid through Paypal and average $10-$12 per winner. This isn't exactly going to pay the mortgage, but getting actual money to play a game on your phone is a pretty sweet deal. Hq Trivia stocks have continued to rise, but Facebook looks to stop that. Let's be real. This is what Facebook does. They are not an innovative companny. they are an opportunistic company that allows others to innovate and then take their ideas and improve on them. Remember MySpace? The fact is that Zuckerberg has never come up with anything origin...

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Movie; Reunion or Reboot What the Future may Hold

Buffy the vampire Slayer is one of the most iconic series of all time. With such a loyal fanbase, the audience would definitely be there for more Slayer action. When reboots were all the rage, BTVS was mentioned many times much to the dismay of fans everywhere. There was talk of a new incarnation without original cast and without Joss Wheedon. Of course Buffy fans would have none of this. In recent times fan nostalgia has brought about the return of classic series such as Will and Grace and Roseanne. It seems as if reboots are out and resurrections are in (except for the impending disaster of a Charmed reboot.) So Fans are asking could Buffy come back to the small screen? Realistically, probably not. As much as we would love to see the Scooby Gang again, there are several problems with making that happen. First of all, it would be hard to get the cast all back for a regular series. Allyson Hannigan's career took off after the original run of the series and she might not be read...