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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Movie; Reunion or Reboot What the Future may Hold

Buffy the vampire Slayer is one of the most iconic series of all time. With such a loyal fanbase, the audience would definitely be there for more Slayer action.

When reboots were all the rage, BTVS was mentioned many times much to the dismay of fans everywhere. There was talk of a new incarnation without original cast and without Joss Wheedon. Of course Buffy fans would have none of this. In recent times fan nostalgia has brought about the return of classic series such as Will and Grace and Roseanne. It seems as if reboots are out and resurrections are in (except for the impending disaster of a Charmed reboot.) So Fans are asking could Buffy come back to the small screen?

Realistically, probably not. As much as we would love to see the Scooby Gang again, there are several problems with making that happen. First of all, it would be hard to get the cast all back for a regular series. Allyson Hannigan's career took off after the original run of the series and she might not be ready to return to the role of Willow Rosenberg. Nicholas Brendon has struggled with personal demons since the end of BTVS and might not be ready to jump back into the hellmouth of the Buffyverse, however great it would be to see more of Xander Harris. Most importantly, Joss wheedon doesn't want to do it. We really can't blame him. After telling a full and complete story with an excellent send off, why go back for what would likely be a pale imitation of the classic we loved? There might, however, be a way to feed our nostalgia without completely draining the pool.

The idea of a new Buffy movie is often mentioned as either a way to give us a new story after the series or a reboot to right the wrongs of the original big screen Buffy. At this point the TV Buffy fanbase is to loyal (rabid) for a reboot, but it could be a good opportunity to get the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast back for one more adventure. Think of what Wheedon did with Firefly, continuing the story on the big screen after Fox prematurely cancelled the series. Buffy of course is a different situation after running for seven seasons and completing its journey. However, a movie might be the perfect opportunity to get the cast back together. A stand alone feature would likely be more feasible than a full order series, however, there is one big hang up. Joss Wheedon isn't ready to resurrect the Slayer. Once he's on board, everyone else likely will be as well, especially the audience.

Just for fun...ways to bring Buffy back

The universe created by Buffy the vampire Slayer is so ripe with story potential that it's kind of amazing it hasn't continued in some form other than the forgettable comics and the new Slayer novelization coming in Fall 2018. Here are some ideas for how we could see the story continue.

#1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer MMRPG Imagine an open world game within the Buffy universe. You could play as a Slayer, a potential, a witch, a vampire, an initiative soldier, or more and explore Sunnydale, LA and the dark realms of the hellmouth.

#2 Buffy the Animated Series No not '80s Saturday morning cartoons, but adult animation which could tell stories from anytime in Buffy history. Come on Netflix, if you made Castlevania, you can make Animated Buffy.

#3 Buffy shorts and webisodes. You know those short walking dead stories like red machete that everyone skips on their DVR to watch the real show? Well if the cast isn't available for a movie or full series, maybe they could find time for a few shorts. Joss Wheedon could even tie them in with movies he directs or other TV projects. Think about it. You buy a ticket for the latest superhero movie and in the midst of the opening trailers, you get to see part two of the new Buffy mini series. It's a win win.

#4 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Radio Drama. This would probably be a one time deal, but it could be an intriguing way to bring back the Scooby Gang. Futurama, a series with an equally rabid fan base, came back for one more episode via the Nerdist podcast featuring the original cast. This audio only format presents a lot of opportunity and would be perfect for Buffy. Considering that Wheedon did a silent episode and a musical, it seems like he would be into the idea of BTVS in the old timey radio drama format.

Ok that's all I've got, but let's hope that one way or another we get to see more Buffy the Vampire Slayer and not in the form of a blasphemous reboot like Charmed. What do you think? How would you bring back Buffy?


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