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Family Guy Kills Off Brian! WTF?

As we were nervously awaiting the impending death on The Walking dead (foreshadowed by Chris Hardwick's "Special Guest") the folks over at Fox were carrying out a much greater injustice. The Simpson's producers had announced earlier this year that they were considering killing off a major character, but Family Guy beat them to it with the "Life of Brian" episode which aired 11-24-2013. In the episode, Stewie destroys his time machine because it has caused so much trouble for him and best friend Brian. Unfortunately, Brian is then hit by a car and killed leaving Stewie with no means of rectifying it. The episode plays out like a cheesy sitcom "very special episode." The producers also tie in another horrible TV cliche with the introduction of new dog Vinny.

What was the public reaction? Well, people are pissed. Fans are vowing to never watch the show again. The decision is a strange one, but perhaps it makes some kind of sense. Considering that the series was becoming stale, and with one episode everyone is now talking about it, maybe it's really a brilliant attention grabbing stunt. Now the show can go two ways, either stick with the new direction and the new dog that everyone already hates, or reveal that the car that hit Brian was driven by alternate future Brian altering history to prevent the world from coming under the rule of an evil overlord Tom Arnold. Okay, maybe there are other options, but either Brian comes back, or the show wastes a potential story ark in favor of a poor new direction. Guess we'll see, but the smart money is on publicity stunt.

Awesomeness Zombie's Awesomeness rating:

(2) black zombie tears for the death of Brian. Awesomeness Zombie is not amused!  

(1) Enthusiastic AAAAAARRRRR for the brilliant publicity stunt. 

(1) Indifferent shuffle off for the episode overall. 



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