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Best New Years Eve Drinks (an awesomeness zombie review.)

New Years is here and it's time to say bon voyage to the past with the biggest party of the year. whether you're planning your own event or looking for some ideas to make your post bar after-party a success, these drinks are sure to please.  


2 parts Jim Beam® Devil's Cut®
1 part Pomegranate Liqueur
2 parts Pineapple Juice
1 part Cranberry Juice

This one is very simple and provides a bold flavor and nice kick. Ingredients can be mixed in a cocktail glass or in larger amounts for a party punchbowl. Serve chilled. 


For those wanting something a little more mild.

2 ounces Amaretto
1-2 ounce sweet and sour mix
2 ounces lemon lime soda
1 tbsp grenadine
All ingredients should be chilled prior to serving. Determine your preference for ingredient amounts, as different recipes call for more or less sweet and sour mix. Your best bet is 1 part sweet and sour to 2 parts amaretto, but tastes vary. Note: do not, I repeat, do not use too much grenadine; less is definitely more unless you like cough syrup. Simply mix all ingredients and pour over crushed ice. Add a cherry on top and you have a thoroughly enjoyable drink.



A long time favorite of party goers in Kansas City MO popularized by rapper TechN9ne, Caribou Lou is a strong drink with a hell of a punch. In its origins, this drink was made in large batches utilizing big jugs to make enough servings for good sized party crowds; the recipe however, can easily be applied to a smaller single serving.

1 ½ parts Bacardi 151
1 part Malibu coconut flavored rum
5 parts pineapple juice

For an individual serving, combine 1.5 ounces of 151, 1 ounce Malibu, and 5 ounces of juice in a shaker with ice, shake and strain into a chilled glass. If you like, you can always try variations with different juice blends, or different amounts of ingredients, just be careful because the 151 has a hard kick.


What's a New Year's Eve party without shots? Here's a simple one that will keep the party going into 2014.

1 part Red stag
1 part Jagermeister   

Mix, Drink, Repeat.

Enjoy these drinks safely and responsibly, and have a happy New Year!


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