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A Men's Guide to Being More Awesome

Let's face it, as men we are generally James Bond in our minds but more Homer Simpson in reality. We like simple things frozen pizza, beer, couches. that sounds like everything you need for a perfect weekend right? Well sometimes we get these crazy ideas about doing more...getting that unattainable girl, getting that big-shot job, taking charge and kicking life's ass. Well if you want to pry yourself off the couch and be a better man, here are some simple things that go a long way.

Buy Good Cologne


Note: Axe is not cologne! If you are dousing yourself in body spray like a teenage boy, it's time to grow up and purchase some men's cologne. The right fragrance sets you apart from the rest of the guys in the club, and indicates a maturity and confidence  that will take you far in all social affairs.

Stop Eating Crap

Eating healthy benefits you in every way. Junk food not only increases your waist size, but also negatively impacts your mood and physical ability. Taking in proper nutrients from whole food sources has great affect on overall health including sexual performance. 

Get Some Exercise

Of course build muscle/burn fat. This is not anything you haven't heard before, but did you know that Exercise has positive impact on mental well being and mood? Running actually releases endorphins to the brain making you feel better. So go for a daily jog to make yourself healthier physically and mentally.

Dress Better


If you don't own a dress shirt, buy one. Same for dress shoes. A button up shirt and a pair of jeans allows you to be casual while still bringing you a step up from being the guy in a t-shirt and ball cap. Learn to iron and invest in some magnetic collar stays to keep you looking crisp. Remember, it's all about the details.

Educate yourself


Read a book, watch a documentary, have something of substance to talk about. Whether you are on a date or a job interview, nothing is worse than the awkward silence and desperation of being at a loss for words. communication is key in everyday life. No magic cologne is going to make up for a lack of personality, and you can't carry on a conversation consisting of "look how shiny my shoes are. Check out my fancy shirt." However, if you master communication you can talk your way into achieving whatever you want.        


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