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MGK Rap Devil VS Eminem kILLSHOT. Who won?

Machine Gun Kelly and Eminem have made rap battles interesting again. With one music video Machine Gun Kelly launched his career to a level never achieved in his mediocre history as a somewhat known rapper. Shortly after its release, the Eminem dis track "Rap Devil." Went viral. Suddenly the moderately successful and not widely known rapper was trending and getting respect from people who had nothing for him before. There were two reasons for the response. First, people don't go after Eminem. His unmatched skill and his devastating lyrical assaults scare off most rappers. The fact that MGK was willing to step up and challenge Slim Shady is impressive. The other thing that makes Rap Devil noteworthy is that it's actually pretty good. musically, it's probably the best thing Kelly has produced, and lyrically he comes pretty hard at Em. Honestly, people were kind of surprised that MGK made himself relevant. Of course right after Rap Devil went viral, everyone wa...
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How to be happy. Four things to remember.

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Mean Zodiac. Why you suck According to your Star Sign (18+ humor)

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Will Facebook Game Shows beat HQ Trivia

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13 Reasons Why Season 3. Will it Happen? Why it Shouldn't

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