Remember that hateful people don't win by hating you, they win by making you hate them.
We have all been angry. We have all felt hate whether we admit it or not. Your jaw clenches, the back of your neck and ears get hot, your fists clench and your mind is racing with every horrible thing you can think about this person who has wronged you.
Typically this is a passing feeling as you react to something and once you calm down, it's back to normal for you. However, there are some people who stay in this place living in hate. Think about how you feel in that moment of intense anger. Imagine being trapped there all the time. This is the life of the hateful person. Think of them as a drowning person who is trying to pull you down with them. Or as I like to think of it, a hateful life is a lonely life and if I hate you and make you hate me, I'm not alone in that angry dark place anymore. You can't always transform hate, but you don't have to let hate transform you.
Be confident because out of billions of people in the world, no one is better at being you than you.
Why do we compare ourselves to others and believe that we are not good enough based on that comparison? We are not supposed to be other people. We are supposed to he ourselves and no one else on the planet can do it. Every piece of your DNA and every moment of your life experience to this point has made you the individual you are today. Be proud of who you are and know that you have all the opportunity to grow and evolve but you will always be the only you.
when you feel like the world is chaos, look outside and see that life has order.
Relax your mind in this stressful world and see that the trees reach up to the sun, the the bees and the birds plant and pollinate, and everyone is fed. Understand that life is rhythm. It has up beats and down beats, but it is always moving. Don't think just because you are in a low note right now that you are not part of a beautiful song.
Take time to get aimlesly lost.
Stress is about "how" and depression is about "what." We get depressed because of what we want and what he don't have. "I want more money." "I want a new car." "I want a better job." We feel stress because "how am I going to make more money?" "How am I going to afford my car payment?" This is why it is important to take a moment to throw "how" and "why" out the door.
Take a walk somewhere you've never been before. Don't have a plan, a goal, a direction or a time limit. Don't think about where you are going, how you will get there and what you will do. Just walk and you will find freedom.
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