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Lions, Dogs, and Deities: A Look at Chinese Mythology

Chinese culture has so much to offer to the world, and has had a great impact on art and world culture. Chinese mythology is rich and fascinating featuring great mythological beasts, gods, and spiritual elements. Below are some really interesting elements of Chinese mythology.

Quan Yin
The Goddess of Mercy
With many different names and different spellings, Quan Yin is known in many parts of the world as the goddess of mercy. Many variations on the name exist including Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin, Quan Shi Yin, and other variations in different parts of the world. Whatever name is used, she remains an important figure in Chinese Buddhism. As one of the most celebrated and revered of the Chinese Bodhisattva, Quan Yin is celebrated as a giver of children, a healer of human suffering, and an immortal personifying compassion. Roughly translated, her name means one who listens to the cry of the human world, and it is this concept of hearing the cry of human suffering that is the foundation of Quan Yin's mythology.
It's widely accepted that the story of Quan Yin is a variation on that of Indian Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara who gave up Nirvana to remain on earth bringing relief to the suffering. It's said that Quan Yin was offered eternal bliss, but could not ignore the sounds of human pain and so, like Avalokiteshvara, turned away from her own paradise to help mankind.
Fu dog
Guardian of the Temple
Popular and mysterious, these figures of ancient Chinese mythology go by many names. Sometimes called Fu Dogs, Foo Dogs, Fu Lions, or Fo Lions, they are very interesting cultural and spiritual symbols. Very common as statues in the East as well as decorative reproductions in the West (I have two in my living room), Fu dogs are an intriguing form of art that remains a unique symbol. Part of why they are so unique is that while they are sometimes called dogs, and sometimes called lions, they don't really look like either. The reason for this is that they are based on lions but were designed by people who had never seen one. As Buddhist monks from India brought stories of guardian lions to the Chinese, these powerful animals became a popular symbol of strength and protection in the region.
The original Chinese sculptures were heavily influenced by the appearance of native dogs, but held the ferocity of a lion; it's this blend that creates the fascinating and unique creature we see standing guard at the doorways of Chinese temples and palaces. It's said that these guardian lions have mystical protective powers, and it is for this reason that they are placed outside important buildings throughout China. Generally Fu dogs come in pairs with one placed on each side of an entrance. The male stands to the right and holds in his paws a sphere that represents the earth; the female stands to the right and holds a cub beneath her paw which symbolizes life. The male is said to protect the structure while the female protects the people within it.
The Gentle Monster
Another great protective entity in Chinese mythology, the Qilin bares the appearance of a monster, but holds the heart of peace and goodwill. The Qilin, also known as Kirin to the Japanese, is depicted as a massive beast with a large horn or sometimes multiple horns. It is often surrounded by fire. The image is frightening, but the creature is greatly respected and thought to be a good omen. While the beast looks evil, its nature is gentle; it does not eat flesh and it has the ability to walk on grass without bending a blade. The nature of this mythical creature is to bring good fortune to the good and to punish the evil. It is said that the Qilin only appears in areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader; no wonder most of us have never seen one of them.


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