10. Welcome Back Cotter
Cotter was one of the best ensemble series of the 1970s and the launching point for John Travolta's career. Try watching an episode without getting the theme song stuck in your head; it can't be done.
9. The Flintstones
Yaba Daba Doo! While this one did get annoying, it's a catchy tune that perfectly represents the fun spirit of the show.
8. Married With Children
This song is so loved by fans that many have refused to by the DVDs in which the theme is notably absent. This classic Sinatra song is great musically, but its main charm here is the intentional irony of using Sinatra's classy "Love and Marriage" as the intro into the exploits of the not so high-class Bundy family.
7. The Jeffersons
"Fish don't fry in the kitchen..." Another one of the most catchy TV themes of all time, You can't help but want to "move on up to the east side" when you hear this one.
6. Sanford and Son
Completely instrumental, jazzy, and perfect. I can't even identify the instruments used in this song (I'm not musically inclined.) but I can recognize the awesome.
5. The Simpsons
Winner of the National Music Award for favorite TV theme in 2002, as well as several other awards, the Simpsons theme is one of the most recognizable theme songs in television history, and remains an ingrained part of American Culture.
4. The X-Files
One of the most creepy theme songs around, hearing this always makes me want to turn on more lights.
3. The Adams Family
"They're creepy and they're kooky..." Possibly the most simple and catchy theme ever. Potentially annoying, but still a classic.
2. Seinfeld
No instruments, no words, only about ten seconds long, barely qualifying as a theme song, but totally classic.
1. All In The Family
A great show with a great nostalgic theme. The song itself is great, but it's the Edith Bunker vocals that earn this one the top spot on the list.
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