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The Westboro Baptist Church: Hate and Terrorism in the Mid-West

If you've read my other articles on fundamentalist religion, you know that I don't cut these people any slack, and I have no respect for people who spread their own hate and attribute it to god. There have always been bigoted cults, religious movements, and other hateful fascist organizations attempting to corrupt minds with a polluted message. In recent years none has received more attention than the WestBoro Baptist Church.
In case you don't know, these are the people who protest at funerals for U.S soldiers and other events holding signs praising the death of people they disagree with. They carry signs with such nice little slogans as "god hates fags" "god hates America" "god loves dead soldiers" and more. The central focus of their organization seems to be on homosexuality; their website is even titled god hates fags. They first gained notoriety when they picketed the funeral of murdered student Mathew Shepard waving signs praising his death as god's punishment for a "fag" lifestyle. They stood preaching hate and bigotry while a family was grieving. But this was not enough for them, no the WBC went on to make a career out of picketing military funerals.
They argue that the military is evil because it supports gays. Apparently this is because we have a "don't ask don't tell" policy instead of a witch hunt and stoning to death policy. I'm not sure where the intense homophobia is coming from, but it seems to be the main issue. I find it somewhat odd that the core of their argument is an issue that isn't even mentioned in the Ten Commandments. The big ten rules from god say not to lie, but they don't protest congress; it says not to steal, but they don't protest wall street; it says not to murder, but they support the killing of Mathew Shepard. Interestingly enough, none of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay.
Clearly this "church" is to put it...uh crazy. Whatever your views on religion politics, and gay rights, you can't deny that the WestBoro Baptist Church is so far out there that they can't likely see the outer realms of sanity from their current position. Their statements and actions are so out of control crazy that I've thought that they must be fake because no one could actually believe the things that they speak. I though perhaps they were just attention seeking; to use internet terms, they're trollin. However, I've decided that while they use incendiary propaganda to get attention, it is all for the purpose of an actual core belief. Now I must admit that someone who preaches that god hates everyone and will set you on fire for not following the commandments of a Kansas hate church is probably beyond reason. I doubt that any logic can penetrate that thick wall of insanity. With that said, below are some of my favorite examples of contradictions.
God Hates Fags: really? I don't remember that being in the bible. Furthermore how did an infallible all powerful god end up creating something he detested? I guess it wasn't a mistake because he is infallible, so he intentionally created a system in which he knew people would do things to enrage him so that he would have to punish them because his anger is great. If god is all knowing then he can't be angry with his creations for being the way he knowingly created them; if he "hates" his creations, then obviously he has regrets and second thoughts about his work-something that does not fit with an all powerful and all knowing god.
God Hates the U.S Military: For this one I present two quotes; read each and determine who is wrong according to the bible: In a news release from the WBC about an upcoming funeral for lance Cpl. Noah M. Pier, they say the following: "military funerals have become pagan orgies of idolatrous blasphemy, where they pray to the dunghill gods of Sodom & play taps for a fallen fool"
In Mathew 5 21, at the Sermon on the Mount we read the following. "I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire." Perhaps the WBC needs to rephrase some of their propaganda; just a thought.
Last but not least, I can't imagine that such hate would be strongly supported by the guy who said "love your enemy." However, this "church" clearly has little to do with the bible, and nothing to do with Jesus. Like I said, it's unlikely that anything can be done about these particular parasites, but if you want to get in touch with the Westboro Baptist Church and voice your opinion, or maybe try out some logic and reason on them, feel free to get in touch with them. The church number has changed several times, maybe due to prank calls, maybe they don't pay their bills, I don't know, but currently you can reach the church at 785-273-0325. Be sure to leave them a nice message. I hope that I can get an interview with the pastor to clear some things up, but I doubt they will like this article much, so we'll have to see if they return my call. Either way I will be publishing more on the topic, and if anyone has something to contribute please leave a comment.


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